Monday, August 1, 2011

That Was The Week That Was-4th Week July

  • republicans and dems fighting Former GOP Senator Alan Simpson provided some interesting asides to the lunacy in Washington (okay, what would you call it?). About Medicare: You’ve got to make hospitals keep one set of books, not three! On running for office now: Hell, no! Instead of, ‘What are you going to do for your country? you sit figuring out how to screw the other side.
  • 5 days of the dow while congress dithered Let’s get this out of the way before we review the week and what happened when and by whom. The chart above says it all and shows that the markets slowly fell as Congress dithered and tried to expand their political agendas. Even as late as Saturday Congress was still arguing for advantage rather than compromise. On Monday morning news that both sides reached a compromise on raising the debt limit and a two stage debt reduction plan. Markets got a lift on the news as European and Asian markets were up in morning action. Pre-market for the U.S. was positive. Let’s go to the day by day of last week and other news…

  • Frustrated and Disgusted with the entire show in Washington this past week. Congress and the President could have solved this in a NY minute if they wanted.
  • Steve Wynn, steve wynn Las Vegas CEO of Wynn Resorts, a Democrat, said, ‘Obama administration is the greatest wet blanket to business, and progress and job creation in my lifetime. It’s Obama,’ Wynn concludes reflecting the frustration of many Americans, ‘that’s responsible for this fear in America…everybody’s afraid of the government, and there’s no soft peddling it.’
  • WSJ spanks Obama on front page after his address to the nation- citing the country needs leadership instead of the blame game.
  • CNBC reports Chinese and other foreign holders of our debt are seriously concerned about the antics in Washington, DC. ‘The high stakes political posturing is a shock to these countries,’ says Jina Ventures’ Ron Shah, who said he’s heard the same from United Arab Emirates. running dollar The damage may already be done to the dollar and Treasuries. China may accelerate diversification away from the U.S. dollar. On CNBC Wednesday the CEO of Dow reported that foreign leaders were laughing at the United States.
  • Dr. Irwin Kellner, in suggests that as weak as the economy is that the Fed should embark on QE3. He goes on, ‘…another round of  bond buying, along with some cajoling by their regulators, might get the banks off the dime. gangsterAnd more lending should eventually lead to more jobs and a stronger economy.’  Tell me how that cajoling part works out, will ya. I personally prefer not so veiled threats and arm twisting….but, that’s just me.
  • A new Book-The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry- answers the question why are so many CEO’s jerks? daffy Because they’re psychopaths….or so says author Jon Ronson…works in politics, too, I assume…
  • Smart Money is pouring into Mongolia: According to Bloomberg’s Businessweek, a land of 2.8 million people and 14 million goats is loaded with minerals. goat There could be a trillion dollars of various gold, silver, copper, molybdenum and other resources buried in the dirt.
  • Gold- has more room to run…based on what happened last Monday and as U.S. dollar weakened.
  • Small Cap stocks may still have their day in 2011, so sayeth strategist for JP Morgan, Bhupinder Singh, who sent a note to his clients informing them of such. He gives the following reasons for his euphoria: attractive valuations, strong fundamentals, improving investor sentiment and increased M&A activity in the small cap space.
  • Billy and Melinda Gates, bless their provincial pea picking gates pure hearts have blown $5 billion on trying to improve public education through grants and scholarships. They’ve discovered what others before them have found is that education will sop up money faster than a biscuit does gravy and return little except heartburn. Their failure is the same as that of the Ford Foundation and the Walter Annenberg’s foundation. Money alone won’t win the battle when faced against dysfunctional urban school districts run by powerful labor unions and a top-down government monopolies. You can’t make ‘em learn and you can’t improve the teaching with a checkbook. 
  • India’s market keeps rolling After Central Bankers reiterated a hawkish stance toward inflation and lowered growth expectations to 7.9% in 2011. Good for investors in emerging markets as the sector continues to move forward.
  • Another  Congressman bites the dust- yucky faceDavid Wu quits among allegations of….er…he was naughty. Again, elected officials with too much time on their hands…. right-o, Mister Weiner?
  • 9 Quarters in a row of profits and Ford sliced more off their debt, banking over $700 million for a total of $22 billion. car2Shares popped in pre-market. Morningstar likes share to $24.00. Shares fell at the close under $13.00!! This week investors looking for signs of a pick-up in sales for July, a month known for its weak auto sales.
  • A pox on both their houses and it wouldn’t surprise a lot of people if the Swiss Franc emerged as the ‘Go-to-currency’ when global concerns  demand a safe haven. With politics more dear than global economies or concerns of their citizens, it seems that the Swiss Franc will emerge as a more sensible alternative to either the euro or the dollar. Both the dollar and euro are seen as damaged goods as politicians on both sides have illustrated their total incompetence.
  • Netflix didn’t make the numbers Monday and punished the stock was. Shares fell 9.1% at the open on Tuesday. The company announced a new tiered rental system- one for streaming video and another for mail-order customers. Wall Street says phooey and shares continued to fall. Customer used to convenience and inexpensive cost may revolt and visit competitors HBO or Hulu. Morningstar has fair value of $150 per share and NTFX closed Thursday $266.
  • Jimmy (The Mouth) Cramer appeared on NBC’s Today show last Tuesday and told investors everywhere to stay the course, don’t sell and the Street wasn’t worried.stressed In the meantime concerns were building on the U.S. possible default as alternative measures were being discussed by traders, investors and money managers. Someone tell Jimmy he just doesn’t get it.
  • The Mouth raved on his Monday night show, literally went on and on and on about E-Bay and how everyone is missing it and what the global brand offers. E-bay owns PayPal among others…just in case you didn’t know.
  • Political ideology has overcome common sense.
  • Apple closed over $400 on Tuesday, IBM was off a tad and markets fell across the board as the dollar weakened and gold up.
  • R.W. Baird recommended UPS, stating to buy shares on weakness. The company likes the shares to $84 and closed on Tuesday  over $71.00.
  • Former Wachovia broker stole $8.4 million from retirees’ accounts and recently he went to jail. He opened a trading account at OptionsXpress in his wife’s name and promptly lost it with aggressive trading. And, in a separate case two other Wachovia brokers stole from 42 clients and estimated $8 million. remember read your statement, ask questions, and don’t just toss them in a drawer.
  • Ya’ll remember financial blogger and really smart guy James (Need a Haircut) Altucher? Lyle Lovett’s the other guy- they get confused a lot.altucher lyle lovett James writes that he believes Google will go to $1500. He continues that he was laughed off the set at CNBC when he predicted Facebook would be valued at $100 billion. We all did the same when we heard Julia Roberts married Lyle (who?) Lovett.  Apple, James continues, will be the first trillion dollar market cap company. Both these guys need a real good  conditioner. See more about Apple…
  • Markets showed their muscle Wednesday and went on a selling spree-stocks lost a billion or two of market value- hoping Congress could get a glimpse into the abyss if they didn’t get their act together. abyss Every index was down except the dollar (strangely) as it and the Swiss franc and yen all strengthened. CNBC reported on their market wrap show that there was a lot of Institutional selling.
  • Okay- we’ve been here before. This is Not 2008, 2001 or 1987 ( thanks for reminding me Chuck Jaffe who reported thusly). Remember both political parties have expressed worst case scenarios designed to scare the crapola out of adults. This has not been about informing the American public about what their government has been doing for them.ghost This has been about the government using the American public as pawns in their scare campaign. All this simply to manifest their own political agenda and get bragging rights going into election season. Instead of us being scared of what our government won’t do those in government should be afraid of what the American Voters will do. Boo – right back at you! We really do deserve much better.
  • amazon heart Thanks, Jeff! You did it! It’s the world biggest book store and sells just about everything and what it doesn’t it gets for you. (A UPS truck is always dropping stuff off I buy on Amazon, you too?) Revenue growth was up 51% – the strongest growth rate in 10-years. Mahaney at Citigroup gives it a Buy and price tag of $280 a share. Amazon is one of those amazing internet stores that is constantly growing and what you order you get and get quick. Shares trade at a premium. Morningstar has the stock at current fair value or $225 a share.
  • Big Bets being made on Japan. Unfortunately one of the bestest managed funds with a big bet on Japan has closed its doors to new investors. Nuveen Tradewinds Global All-Cap. Still Morningstar likes MFS International Value as another solid pick that has increased its exposure to Japan.
  • Thursday markets fell modestly with the dollar holding onto gains as politicians rejected the Republican plan of kicking the debt down the road six months as a non-starter. This has been a man-made tempest as fundamentals have been strong, jobless claims fell and financials strengthened.  Doomster Peter Schiff, peter schiff chief global strategist for Euro Pacific Capital is convinced U.S. falling off a cliff and predicts the dollar tanking and Treasuries defaulting. Wash your mouth, Peter.
  • Hedge Fund Tremont will repay $1 billion to Madoff Estate Trustee. Tremont is the second largest so-called feeder (procurer) fund that provided Madoff with his victims in return for a fee. So far almost half the $17.5 billion has been recovered.
  • If dollar tanks what should we be owning? The usual: commodities, oil, short Treasuries and metals along with Foreign or a global bond fund according to Peter Schiff.

  • Home Builder D.R. Horton was up 5.4% on Thursday on better than expected quarterly profits and a boost from an unexpected rise in June home sales. home drawing Ticonderoga Securities noted that pending home sales last month had been expected to show a drop off. Instead the data would up showing a 19.8% improvement! Any other time this would be surprising and front page news. Today it’s a lost footnote.

  • storm2 Tropical Storm Don should avoid production platforms south of New Orleans but some activity being seen as evacuation exercises are being practiced off-shore. May see a pop in oil if the storm comes near coast refineries.  Somehow Don is not a storm scary name.
  • Jon Najarian, on CNBC Friday, said,  he is not a buyer right now- but only because he wants a bigger pullback (about 500 points this past week on the Dow is all we lost). ‘I’m a buyer of Big Fear,’ The Najarian said, ‘Buy the big dips not the little piddly stuff we’re seeing. I want more fear then I’d buy.’
  • IBM – aka- Big Blue- IBM2 stock up the last 2 days of last week. During moments of crisis an old chartist once told me to watch the stock – where it goes eventually so does the markets.
  • Sprint deeper than expected quarterly losses. Shares punished in a very medieval way. Michael Rollins, a stalwart analyst sticking to his guns reiterated a Buy rating stating the stock was oversold and has a $6 share price on it. Jimmy (the Mouth) and Morningstar both had $8.00 earlier this year.
  • Genworth- the GE spinoff-insurance/financial services company almost going under and losing $2.8 billion in IPO money. Under new management company has clawed back ( I still wouldn’t buy insurance from them- lots of bonuses and stuff). Now company says it is setting itself up for a possible split. Shares trade under $9.00. What am I missing?
  • Analyst Shaw Wu reiterates Buy on Cisco. He says maybe one or two points of downside and maintains a $25 price target. cisco kid and pancho Shares closed $15.97. Morningstar loves the stock to $30 and says buy at or under $21. Got 5 stars, it does.
  • Goldman Sachs forecast oil rising more in 2011 and sharply higher in 2012-I do love the energy sector – The company’s 12-month price target for West Texas crude is $126 a barrel. Goldman rate oil producer Hess neutral but has a price target of $105. Shares trade at $69 and have a 9xs trailing earnings. Morningstar has 4 stars and writes to buy shares right at this price and has a $97  target share price.
  • The one stock that’s on everyone’s list and lips is Apple. apple logo This one stock is whispered as the go-to if the country falls into recession or putts along in recovery. If the stock gains another 12% it will surpass ExxonMobil as the world’s largest by market cap company. Brian J. White, analyst with Ticonderoga Securities, thinks the stock is undervalued! The reasons: Apple still only has a single digit share in mobile phones and personal computers. He also said, ‘It may be early for Apple as we can’t model out some of the possibilities an Apple TV set, huge growth in China, businesses buying Apple computers. It sounds crazy.’ Apple closed a smidge under $400 end of the month Friday. Some analysts like the company to $600 and Mornngstar rates it a buy to $475.00.
  • Finally- FDIC closed 3 small banks in Indiana on Friday bringing the year to date total to 60.dead repub All things eventually come to an end….

Questions call Paul @ 877 783 7080 or write him at Share this blog with someone who cares about their money.

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