Monday, August 25, 2014

That Was The Week That Was-3rd Week August

computer blows up  Unexpectedly my workhouse HP simply gave up the ghost last week. And contrary to any rumor I did not scatter its bits across Lake St. Clair. The past days have been devoted to downloading all old files to a new computer, uploading email and other vital service tools and today everything is secure and operational except for the blog. Be patient, dear reader, and I should be back with more Retirement Interruptus in 10-12 days. tired of searchingIn the meantime I invite you to explore a new feature on my website that is dynamite! It’s a flipbook on investing basics. There are four flipbooks and the one I especially like is about social security and Medicare. If you are not sure how one or the other work take some time to read about them. Please go to my home page, click on Resources and then a drop down menu will show you Flipbooks. Click on that and choose your topic.

While I am working and you’re reading if you have questions you may contact me at or call me at 586 295 0430.


1 comment:

  1. You baby boomers are the most selfish generation to ever exist. You destroyed your own children's and grandchildren's future with your short-sighted selfishness and immaturity. And then you expect them to pay for your retirement????

    Can you baby boomers just hurry up and drop dead, please?
