Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Rules: The Care & Oversight of Sus Domestica Investment Bankeritias


Until recently the Domestica Investment Bankerkitias was allowed to free range. The beast did pretty much what it wanted and when it wanted. Only after devouring everything in its sight and pooping over everyone and everything, causing a global mess of the first order, has the United States government decided to rein in the animal’s voracious appetites.

Unlike its feral cousin, which has some restraint, the domestica investment bankeritias will eat until it is sick and some will even continue until they have cleared an entire city, state or country of anything of value.

Usually these animals travel with their own specific genus but  with tough new laws bringing restrictions on their feeding and pooping , they have recently banded together.

Congress announced last week a unilateral bill  that would limit how much a domestic investment bankeritias could eat, how much and where it could poop and the reasons for its slaughter. This law, soon to be signed by the President, negate the old ‘Too Big To Fail’ concept. In  the future being a big fat pig is no longer an excuse for clemency or for government assistance to prevent extinction of the pin-stripped beasts. The cost of extermination for those that break the rules will be shared among the surviving bankeritias.

Government oversight will be handled by a 10-member council of non-peers who stand on their own hind legs and are headed by the secretary of Treasury. More power will be given to the Federal Reserve to oversee consumer protection and ensure that the regularitius domestica bankeritias, a sub specie of the domestic investment bankeritias, abides by what is fair and reasonable when dealing with human consumers. This includes credit cards, mortgages and short term loans.

Both regularitius and investment domestica bankeritias squealed to high heaven when the new rules were announced last week.

I will keep you informed of any new developments.

If you have questions please call Paul @ 877 783 7080 or write him at pstanley@westminsterfinancial.com. Share this blog with someone who cares about their money.



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